Noura Toilet and Washbasin Collection

Noura Toilet and Washbasin Set

  • Noura Toilet and Washbasin Collection

    Noura Toilet and Washbasin Collection

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      EXW (EX Works):

      At Semaland, we take pride in being a leading exporter of building materials. Our commitment to delivering high-quality products is backed by a transparent and efficient delivery method known as "Ex Works" or EXW.

      What Does EXW Mean?

      EXW stands for "Ex Works," a delivery method that signifies the point at which our responsibility for your goods ends and your responsibility begins. With EXW, you have control over the entire logistics process, allowing you to manage transportation, costs, and delivery to your desired location.

      How EXW Works:

      1. Order Placement:

      You place an order for the building materials you require through our platform or directly with our team.

      2. Warehouse Selection:

      You have the option to choose whether you want the goods to be shipped from our warehouses or directly from our partner factories.

      3. Responsibility Transition:

      When the goods are ready for delivery, we ensure they are appropriately packaged and prepared for pickup at our specified location, whether it's our warehouses or the factory.

      4. Delivery:

      The goods are released to you or your chosen carrier at our designated location (our warehouse or the factory). From this point forward, you are responsible for the safe and timely delivery to your desired destination.

      Benefits of EXW:

      - Cost Control:

      EXW allows you to have full control over shipping costs and logistics, potentially leading to cost savings.

      - Flexibility:

      You can choose the most suitable carrier and shipping method for your specific needs.

      - Direct Oversight:

      You have direct oversight of the entire shipping process, ensuring that your goods are handled according to your preferences. For any further inquiries or to discuss your specific delivery requirements, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated customer support team. Your satisfaction is our priority.


      Give us a shout if you have any other questions and/or concerns.
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      Noura Toilet and Washbasin Collection

      Noura Toilet and Washbasin Collection

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      Elevate Your Bathroom with Turkish Craftsmanship: The Noura Set Washbasin and Toilet

      In the world of modern design, where sleek lines and contemporary aesthetics often take the spotlight, the Noura Set stands as a shining example of how Turkish craftsmanship seamlessly marries modernity with timeless warmth. This exceptional creation, made in Turkey, is more than just bathroom fixtures; it’s a testament to the country’s rich heritage of artistry and innovation.

      Cubic Forms and Contemporary Elegance

      The Noura Set, with its cubic forms, exudes an air of contemporary elegance. In an era dominated by minimalism and sharp lines, this set takes a different path. It embraces soft contoured options, creating a unique ambiance that’s both authentic and inviting. These curves and contours add a touch of humanity to a space often dominated by cold, unyielding lines.

      The Allure of Pure White

      Noura Set embraces the purity of white to provide a bathroom experience that’s luminous and refreshing. White, as a color, has a remarkable ability to open up a space, making it feel larger and more inviting. Within the Noura Set, white acts as a canvas, ready to be infused with the colors of life. It’s a backdrop that allows other design elements to shine.

      Simplicity with a Dash of Style

      The Noura Set is a testament to the beauty of simplicity with style. It caters to those who appreciate the elegance of uncomplicated forms but refuse to compromise on aesthetics. This set offers a range of options, from washbasins to toilets, each showcasing how simplicity can be sophisticated. It’s a reminder that true style often lies in the simplest of things.

      Harmony in Design Transitions

      A defining feature of the Noura Set is the seamless transitions in its design. The washbasin tanks, essential elements of any bathroom, exemplify this beautifully. The design seamlessly blends smooth transitions with external geometric contours, resulting in a sense of harmony and modernity. These external contours not only provide a modern look but also serve as a visual focal point.

      Magnificent Contrasts

      The internal tank of the Noura Set is a work of art in itself. Designed to harmonize with the external contours, it creates a magnificent contrast. This contrast isn’t merely visual; it’s a statement of how diverse elements can come together to create something truly extraordinary. It’s a reminder that unity doesn’t always mean uniformity; sometimes, it’s about celebrating differences.

      In conclusion, the Noura Set is a testament to the excellence of Turkish craftsmanship. It effortlessly blends modernity and tradition, simplicity and style, resulting in creations that stand the test of time. This set isn’t just about bathroom fixtures; it’s a reflection of a design philosophy. It reminds us that in a world often characterized by clean lines and minimalism, there’s a place for warmth, authenticity, and the gentle contours that create an ambiance of genuine comfort.

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